Ganesh Krupa, not the Chawl of 110 tenants but the house of 110 families. People of different cultures and languages, living here, for more than 90 years.
There are 4 life phases of Ganesh Krupa.
1. According to BMC plan, the Chawl was built in 1905, and the owner of the chawl was a muslim. The chawl was known (and still) as Mohammadi Building.
2. After some year, Mohammad sold the chawl to a Gujarati trader, his name was Motilal. Mohammadi building changed to Motilal Mention. Though the name changed to Mohammad to Motilal, culture and structure remains same.
3. In 1980’s some of the tenants from Chawl itself, bought the chawl from Motilal, the it became Ganesh Krupa.
4. In 2005, because of many reasons, Ganesk Krupa is now owned by a Builder.
Chawl is a culture of south Bombay, from Dadar-parel-Girgaon. Girgaon is a heart of that culture. But as time passes, every one has to change. Now the chawl culture is changing every where from Dadar-Parel- and at Girgaon also. Builders are demolishing the old chawl and over there, they are building new towers of 20 plus stories. I think, this Chawl culture is vanishing some where in the tower. This is the main reason for making this site. At least we can share and remember our past through this site.